Thursday, May 8, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man 2

‘THWIP THWIP’ … I bet you make the ‘GO, Web. GO.’ hand motions when you think about that sound, just like most of the non essential characters in this movie. Being a pedestrian in a Spider-Man movie would suck so much, compared to being a hostage. Most times Spider-Man is swinging away as he’s fighting crime, so you would never get a chance to see how awesome he is, it would be like ‘Sweet it’s Spider-Ma… bye Spider-Man… ’ so be the victim, but only if it's safe.

So now I will super summarize the movie in 3 lines or less.

Peter Parker struggles to keep the promise he made to Capt. Stacey, as he died, to leave Gwen out of his life if he continues to be Spider-Man. When out of the blue Pete’s old friend Harry comes back to town, after being away for a long time, and they try to rekindle their friendship. But things never stay happy for long in New York, when a super fan of Spider-Man has a horrible accident, his love for the webhead turns to hate.

Something that I think you will hear be universal praise for this movie is the chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, there wasn’t much in the first movie, but whenever they were on screen together I couldn’t help but smile at how good they were together. It sounds silly, but my favorite moment with them is when they are backing away from someone and they start doing this synchronize bounce as they walk and talk, such a small thing but it gave me the giggles. Speaking of giggles, Andrew Garfield is amazing with the comedy in this movie, every line delivered superbly… except for you, dumb joke after roll down your window.

But all this is not to say there’s nothing wrong with the movie, it had its faults and it had plenty of them. The fact that they went straight to “3” villains instead of slowly upping to 2 was a problem because there wasn’t enough screen time for all of them so they under sold or got rid of things that shouldn’t have been messed with, and making the movie longer would have been a mistake too, it was pretty long, but bearable to a point. Another thing to pick at is that they reused certain story mechanics from the first movie that didn’t need to be there and if they do it again in the 3rd movie there will be harsh criticism from a lot of people saying they’re ‘beating a dead horse when it’s down.’

I highly recommend you see this movie if you haven’t already, I don’t know what else to say about it. IMAX 3D seems to be the best way to go, I mean if you’re going to see it, it might as well be in the best format of it you can go to.

I give it a 3.5 out of 5

Written by Jeff Potts

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