Friday, May 16, 2014


I haven’t reviewed very many movies outside of the action or sci-fi genres, so I wanted to get some more practice writing reviews for the different types, so I went to see this. The odd thing is that I went in to this movie more judging than I normally do because I knew I was mostly doing it for the review and I think it skewed the way I watched the movie, because everything about the movie fell apart to me.

If you’ve seen a trailer for the movie you know the plot to this movie. A frat house moves in to the house next to a 30 something couple, that are new parents. In a hope to set some ground rules the 30 somethings try to be friendly, but after several parties a secret war breaks out between the neighbors to decide who will keep the neighborhood.

The story wasn’t fully developed, it’s like they took the boring parts of old school and the boring parts of a knocked up sequel and put them together. I didn’t feel the motivation from either side, you are supposed to feel for this young family but they don’t spend any time showing you the struggle they are going through, they just skip straight to the battle and retaliation segments of the story. I felt more for the frat than I did for the family most of the time, and that’s the wrong way to feel about the situations they presented.

Now don’t get me wrong, they did show a couple of setup scenes to some of the fighting, but that didn’t help any, I still didn’t care about either side. It felt like the story of the movie was just to get to the jokes and pranks, which some where funny, but this isn’t a Jackass movie so it doesn’t work.

I don’t think I would recommend anyone to see this movie in theaters, and I am appalled that it made number one at the box office last weekend, probably because it looked better in the trailer than it ended up being, thankfully it will be unseated by Godzilla this weekend. If you want to see this movie wait until it makes it to Netflix or HBO, if you have either of those, don’t waste your money seeing it in theaters.

In closing, this movie is made for the type of person in the movie, really dumb frat guys that are afraid of the real world after college where they are kings.

I give this a 2 out of 5

Written by Jeff Potts

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